Gogulyar Bilya /Avon River Walk

Presented by The River Conservation Society
Join the team from the River Conservation Society on a walk along the banks of the Avon River to discover the river as a living being, the fauna who call the river home, the native flora that remains and the pressures facing this delicate ecosystem.

Look for and discover what lives in the hidden hollows, burrows, and nests along the riverbank. Discover what is being done to restore the health of the river in York and ask the question, how can we foster a sense of stewardship over the river?

Places are limited to 20 adults, children may accompany for free. Arrive early to avoid diappoointment. Meeting point- River Conservation Building, corner of Glebe St and Clifford St.

Ticketing – Included in Day/Weekend pass. Walks/tours are free for kids but do require an accompanying adult who has a Day or Weekend pass.
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